Huffington Post Pieces

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Watergate and the S&P, How Well do Markets Forecast Political Dysfunction?

I don’t think that I am alone in wondering why equity markets have not only held their own but have actually added value despite...

The Upside Down Politics of Preexisting Condition

One of the sad ironies in this nation’s fight over health care is that those with the most desperate need for coverage appear to...

Good Luck Mr. Trump!

One of my earliest recollections as a child was standing in my grandmother’s kitchen the morning after the 1952 election and watching her try...

‘Non-security’ Spending Cuts Could Be Hazardous to Your Health

One great irony in the current debate over cutting federal spending is the label House Republicans have placed on the tiny sliver of federal...

Just Plain Nuts: House Republican Budget Proposals Put Forth in the Most Haphazard Manner...

This article was originally posted at Less than a week after the House Appropriations Committee sorted out its final staff assignments, their new chairman,...

Go Home: Incoming Leader of the 112th Congress Issues Odd Marching Order

The incoming leadership and committee chairmen of the U.S. House of Representatives have been boasting about their ambitious, time-consuming plans to conduct intensive oversight...

If Deficits Don’t Matter, Does Contract Abuse?

Dick Cheney’s famous statement “deficits don’t matter” is generally associated with the Bush administration’s philosophy on taxation. A strong case can be made, however,...

Draconian but Expensive: Boehner’s Poorly Considered ‘Pledge’ Is Likely to Increase the Deficit

t is obvious that some number of Republican pollsters have come up with the notion that attacking the federal workforce provides a golden political...

Education Reforms Will Miss the ‘Top’ Without Broader Consensus

This article was first posted at I am sure that Jonathan Alter’s recent column in Newsweek, “How Congress Keeps Screwing Up Education — President...

There You Go Again, Newt

It is always risky to attempt to give a history lesson to an old history professor, but Newt Gingrich’s column in this morning’s Washington...

Procedurally Correct: The House Can Decide How to Enact Health Reform

This article was first posted at People who are opposed to health care reform are raising a real ruckus over a possible parliamentary maneuver...

Republican Earmarks: Fool Me Twice?

House Republicans will meet today to announce that they are renouncing the use of earmarks. Given that Democrats announced the day before that they...

Looking for the Full Measure of Jack Murtha

This article was first posted at Twenty years ago I was the staff director of the Democratic Study Group, an organization that among other...

Frozen Budgets Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

This article first appeared at The federal budget is big and perplexing. Sometimes it seems like nothing more than a sea of random numbers....

You May Need a Scorecard for Health Care Reform

If you want to understand the extraordinary events taking place in the fight over health care reform, you should take Deep Throat’s advice to...

Should We Be Grateful to China for Buying U.S. Treasuries?

Read the entire report at The current economic relationship between the United States and China is perilous for both countries. The nature of that...

Taking Responsibility: Republicans Continue Recovery Obstruction

Since the Republican Conference of the U.S. House of Representatives is largely made up of individuals who believe their party lost the 2008 elections...

Making Sense of CBO’s Stimulus Projections

This article first appeared at “Where the action is in federal budgeting” is how the Budget Analysis Division of the Congressional Budget Office describes...

Behind The Scenes: How Congressional Conservatives Induced Financial Crisis

When Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson called congressional leaders early last week to ask for $700 billion in public funds to buy distressed loans and...

Without DeLay: How Did It All Happen?

When Tom DeLay officially resigns from Congress he will leave an empty seat in Texas and another one on the House Appropriations Committee. He...

Most Viewed from the Archives

Will Congress Push Public Debt to 97 Percent of GDP?

The Congressional Budget Office has released an analysis of the new House Republican tax plan which indicates that the deficit will increase by $1.7...